Illuminating your inner beauty with expert care

We harness the latest in aesthetic technology and combine it with our deep understanding of the beauty and medical fields to offer treatments that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Two ladies in clinic. Patient sitting down and looking at her face in a mirror


Begin with a full assessment, where we discuss your beauty goals and recommend a personalised treatment plan.
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A lady forehead facing towards the camera. Show casing before and after wrinkle treatment


Smooth and rejuvenate your skin with our precise treatments for lines and wrinkles, revealing a more youthful and radiant complexion.
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A lady face facing towards the camera. Highlighting before and after lip volume treatment


Enhance your smile with our lip volume restoration, designed to create fuller, more defined lips that perfectly complement your features.
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A ladies face side on highlighting the before and after of a cheek enhancement


Sculpt and elevate your facial contours with our cheek enhancement treatment, offering a natural-looking lift and definition.
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Before and after of a male who  has had his jawline enhanced


Define and accentuate your jawline with our tailored treatments, crafted to provide a sharper, more distinguished profile.
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a ladies face side on displaying a before and after having a chin enhancement


Achieve balanced facial harmony with our chin enhancement services, tailored to refine and perfect your chin’s shape and proportion.
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Lady holding up a container full of plasma rich platelettes

Emcyte Pure PRP

Revitalise your skin and promote hair growth with our PRP treatments, harnessing the healing power of your own platelets for natural rejuvenation.
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Image of Gemma Aesthetics clinic and treatment chair.


Illuminate and refresh the area under your eyes with our tear trough treatment, reducing shadows and hollows for a rested, vibrant look.
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Two ladies, looking at skin and holding skin products


Regain confidence with our targeted treatments for hyperhidrosis, effectively reducing excessive sweating for comfort and peace of mind.
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Side on view of ladies face, highlighting skin texture of bio-stimulator treatment


Infuse your skin with deep hydration and radiance using our skin boosters, designed to improve skin texture and luminosity.
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Aesthetic Injector, cleaning the face of patient who is laying on the clinic bed


Find relief from seasonal allergies with our innovative hay fever treatment, offering a novel approach to minimise discomfort and enhance well-being.
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Frequently asked questions

What makes Gemma Aesthetics different from other aesthetic clinics?

Gemma Aesthetics combines the precision of medical expertise with the art of beauty, offering a personalised and holistic approach to aesthetic care. Our treatments are tailored to each individual, ensuring both internal wellness and external radiance.

How do I know which treatment is right for me?

Every beauty journey begins with a detailed consultation where we discuss your aesthetic goals, assess your needs, and recommend treatments that best suit your unique beauty profile.

Are the treatments offered at Gemma Aesthetics safe?

Safety is our utmost priority. All treatments are conducted by highly trained professionals using the latest techniques and technologies, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy.

Can I return to my daily activities after my treatment?

Most treatments require minimal to no downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities shortly after your appointment. Specific aftercare instructions will be provided based on the treatment received.

How long will it take to see results from my treatment?

Results can vary depending on the treatment. Some results are immediate, while others may develop over time. During your consultation, we will discuss what you can expect and when to anticipate visible improvements.

How can I maintain the results of my treatment?

We provide comprehensive aftercare advice tailored to each treatment, including recommendations on skincare, follow-up sessions, and lifestyle tips to prolong and enhance your results.

Do you offer treatments for both men and women?

Absolutely. Our treatments are designed to cater to the unique needs of both men and women, ensuring personalised care and results for everyone.

A lady sitting on a white lounge, looking at her digital device
A ladies face, with her eyes closed facing the camera. An injection is being inserted to her cheek
A lady sitting on a white lounge, reading a brochure
Two ladies in clinic. Patient sitting down and looking at her face in a mirror
Aesthetic Injector, cleaning the face of patient who is laying on the clinic bed
The front and back of Gemma Aesthetics Gift Vouchers
Tea being poured into a glass cup